Financial Management

Education Finance Resources from the Edunomics Lab

Includes information about how the coronavirus shutdown will affect school district revenues and what the financial turmoil will mean for public education.

What Will The Financial Turmoil Mean For Public Education? A Series of Webinars

As the economy tumbles, and shortfalls are projected for state budgets, the financial outlook for public education is changing rapidly. In response to numerous inquiries on how school systems will be affected, Georgetown’s Edunomics Lab is hosting short interactive webinars on what the financial turmoil will mean for public education, what we are learning about the financial outlook, and what states and districts might consider as they make financial plans for the coming weeks and year. The website includes webinars from 3/24/2020 and 4/16/2020.

What Will the Financial Turmoil Mean for Public Education?

This set of 13 slides summarizes a webinar on the anticipated impact of economic turmoil from the coronavirus epidemic on public education, particularly on district and state funds. The author focuses on positive steps that states can take, including strategies for communications, funding, and personnel.

Advancing System Productivity Webinar Series

A Guide For SEA-Led Resource Allocation Reviews

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that state education agencies (SEAs) conduct periodic resource allocation reviews (RARs) in districts that serve low-performing schools. This document offers a step-by-step guide that SEA leaders can use when conducting their RARs.

Cost of Preschool Quality & Revenue Calculator

Cost of Preschool Quality & Revenue Calculator

Cost of Preschool Quality & Revenue Calculator

Cost of Preschool Quality & Revenue Calculator